Ocean Drilling Program | Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | International Ocean Discovery Program

DSDP Volume LXX Table of Contents

Publication date: May 2007

Preliminary Pages

Part I: Introduction and Site Reports

1. Introduction, Principal Results, and Explanatory Notes, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 70

J. Honnorez, R.P. Von Herzen, and P.E. Borella

Appendix: Selected Hydraulic Piston Cores Plus Reflection Profiles, Leg 70

T.E. Chase, B.J. Long, P.E. Borella, J.D. Young, and B.A. Seekins

2. Site 506

Shipboard Scientific Party

3. Site 507

Shipboard Scientific Party

4. Site 508

Shipboard Scientific Party

5. Site 509

Shipboard Scientific Party

6. Site 510

Shipboard Scientific Party

Part II: Sedimentological Studies

7. Sediment Lithostratigraphy of the Galapagos Hydrothermal Mounds

P.E. Borella

8. Sediment Petrology of the Hydrothermal Mounds

P.E. Borella, R. Myers, and B. Mills

9. Sedimentology, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of Green Clay Samples from the Galapagos Hydrothermal Mounds, Holes 506, 506C, and 507D, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 70 (Preliminary Data)

J. Honnorez, A.-M. Karpoff, and D. Trauth-Badaut

10. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Sediments from Galapagos Hydrothermal Mounds, Leg 70, Deep Sea Drilling Project

V.B. Kurnosov, O.V. Chudaev, and A.Y. Shevchenko

11. Hydrothermal Deposits of the Galapagos Rift Zone, Leg 70: Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Major Components

I.M. Varentsov, B.A. Sakharov, V.A. Drits, S.I. Tsipursky, D.Y. Choporov, and V.A. Aleksandrova

12. Chemical Composition of Sediments from Sites 506, 507, 508, and 509, Leg 70, Deep Sea Drilling Project

S.A. Moorby and D.S. Cronan

13. Major and Minor Elements in Hydrothermal and Pelagic Sediments of the Galapagos Mounds Area, Leg 70, Deep Sea Drilling Project

A.A. Migdisov, B.P. Gradusov, N.V. Bredanova, E.V. Bezrogova, B.V. Saveliev, and O.N. Smirnova

14. Partition Geochemistry of Sediments from Holes 506 and 509B, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 70

S.P. Varnavas, S.A. Moorby, and D.S. Cronan

15. Uranium Series Disequilibrium and Isotope Stratigraphy in Hydrothermal Mound Samples from DSDP Sites 506–509, Leg 70 and Site 424, Leg 54: An Attempt at Chronology

C. Lalou, E. Brichet, H. Leclaire, and J.-C. Duplessy

16. Elemental and Stable Isotopic Composition of Some Metalliferous and Pelagic Sediments from the Galapagos Mounds Area, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 70

T.J. Barrett, H. Friedrichsen, and A.J. Fleet

17. Lead and Strontium Isotopic Composition of Some Metalliferous and Pelagic Sediments and Basalts from the Galapagos Mounds Area, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 70

T.J. Barrett

18. The Concentration and Isotope Composition of Sulfur from the Galapagos Mounds Area Sediments, Leg 70, Deep Sea Drilling Project

A.A. Migdisov, V.M. Belyi, N.V. Barskaja, and V.A. Grinenko

19. Pore-Water Chemistry, Sites 506–509, Deep Sea Drilling Project

M.L. Bender

20. Physical Properties of Sediments from the Galapagos Region and Their Implications for Hydrothermal Circulation

S. Karato and K. Becker

21. The Measurement of Dissolution Rates of Synthetic Calcite and Calcareous Ooze from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 506

H. Kutsukake

Part III: Petrology, Alteration, Physical Properties, and Paleomagnetism of Basalts

22. Petrographical and Chemical Study of Basement Basalts from the Galapagos Spreading Center, Leg 70

C. Laverne and G. Vivier

23. Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Fresh and Altered Basalts from the Galapagos Rift

E.L. Schrader and S.H. Stow

24. Geochemistry of Basalts Erupted at the Galapagos Spreading Center between 85 and 87°W

R. Emmermann, H.-W. Hubberten, and H. Puchelt

25. Sulfur and Sulfur Isotope Content of Basalts from the Galapagos Rift (Legs 54 and 70)

H.-W. Hubberten

26. Physical Properties of Basalts from the Galapagos, Leg 70

S. Karato

27. Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism of Submarine Basalts from the Galapagos Spreading Center near 86°W

S. Levi

28. Magnetic Properties of Basalts from the Galapagos Spreading Center: A Correlation between Basalts from the Galapagos Rift and the Costa Rica Rift

T. Furuta

Part IV: Geothermal Measurements

29. Geothermal Measurements from Drilling of Sediments near the Galapagos Spreading Center, 86°W, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 70

K. Becker, R.P. Von Herzen, and S. Karato

30. Hydrothermal Mounds and Young Ocean Crust of the Galapagos: Preliminary Deep Sea Drilling Results

J. Honnorez, R.P. Von Herzen, T.J. Barrett, P.E. Borella, S.A. Moorby, S. Karato, and Remainder of the Leg 70 Shipboard Party

Back-Pocket Foldouts

Chapter 1:

Plate 1. Underway seismic reflection profiles—Leg 70.
T.E. Chase, B.J. Long, P.E. Borella, J.D. Young, and B.A. Seekins

Plate 2. Selected hydraulic piston cores—Leg 70.
T.E. Chase, B.J. Long, P.E. Borella, J. D. Young, and B.A. Seekins

DSDP Data and Samples


Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database.
