Ocean Drilling Program | Integrated Ocean Drilling Program | International Ocean Discovery Program


Publication date: May 2007

Preliminary Pages

1. Introduction and Explanatory Notes, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75

Shipboard Scientific Party

Part I: Site Chapters

2. Site 530: Southeastern Corner of the Angola Basin

Shipboard Scientific Party

3. Site 531: Walvis Ridge

Shipboard Scientific Party

4. Site 532: Walvis Ridge

Shipboard Scientific Party

Part II: Synthesis Chapters

5. Summary of Biostratigraphy and Magnetostratigraphy of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75

J.C. Steinmetz, E.J. Barron, A. Boersma, B. Keating, C. McNulty, C. Sancetta, and H. Stradner

6. Organic Geochemistry of Sediments from the Angola Basin and the Walvis Ridge: A Synthesis of Studies from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75

P.A. Meyers

7. Early Evolution of the South Atlantic Ocean: Role of the Rifting Episode

J.-C. Sibuet, W.W. Hay, A. Prunier, L. Montadert, K. Hinz, and J. Fritsch

8. The Eastern Walvis Ridge and Adjacent Basins (South Atlantic): Morphology, Stratigraphy, and Structural Evolution in Light of the Results of Legs 40 and 75

J.-C. Sibuet, W.W. Hay, A. Prunier, L. Montadert, K. Hinz, and J. Fritsch

9. Geologic Evolution, Sedimentation, and Paleoenvironments of the Angola Basin and Adjacent Walvis Ridge: Synthesis of Results of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75

W.E. Dean, W.W. Hay, and J.-C. Sibuet

Part III: Paleontology, Biostratigraphy, and Paleoecology

10. Cretaceous Foraminifers of Hole 530A, Leg 75, Deep Sea Drilling Project

C.L. McNulty

11. Cretaceous Calcareous Nannofossils from the Angola Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 530

H. Stradner and J.C. Steinmetz with a contribution by Lilian Švábenická

12. Preservation of Calcareous Nannofossils and Fine-Grained Carbonate Particles in Mid-Cretaceous Sediments from the Southern Angola Basin, Site 530

P.H. Roth

13. Pliocene Planktonic and Benthic Foraminifers from the Southeastern Atlantic Angola Margin: Leg 75, Site 532, Deep Sea Drilling Project

A. Boersma

14. Cenozoic Calcareous Nannofossils from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75, Southeast Atlantic Ocean

J.C. Steinmetz and H. Stradner

15. Diatoms from Leg 75, Deep Sea Drilling Project

C. Sancetta

16. Palynological Evidence for Late Cenozoic Arid Conditions along the Namibia Coast from Holes 532 and 530A, Leg 75, Deep Sea Drilling Project

E.M. van Zinderen Bakker, Sr.

Part IV: Sedimentology and Inorganic Geochemistry

17. Cretaceous to Recent Submarine Fans in the Southeast Angola Basin

D.A.V. Stow

18. Turbidite Facies, Associations, and Sequences in the Southeastern Angola Basin

D.A.V. Stow

19. Anatomy of Debris-Flow Deposits

D.A.V. Stow

20. Middle Cretaceous Black Shales at Site 530 in the Southeastern Angola Basin

D.A.V. Stow and W.E. Dean

21. Origin and Geochemistry of Cretaceous Deep-Sea Black Shales and Multicolored Claystones, with Emphasis on Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 530, Southern Angola Basin

W.E. Dean, M.A. Arthur, and D.A.V. Stow

22. Significance of Clay Mineralogical and Geochemical Data, Walvis Ridge, Southeast Atlantic, Leg 75, Deep Sea Drilling Project

H. Maillot and C. Robert

23. Mineralogy, Petrology, and Diagenesis of Sediments at Site 530, Southeast Angola Basin

D.A.V. Stow and J. Miller

24. Framboidal Pyrite in Deep-Sea Sediments

R. Schallreuter

25. Occurrence of Inoceramus in the South Atlantic and Oxygen Isotopic Paleotemperatures in Hole 530A

E.J. Barron, E. Saltzman, and D.A. Price

26. Carbonate and Organic-Carbon Cycles and the History of Upwelling at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 532, Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic Ocean

J.V. Gardner, W.E. Dean, and C.R. Wilson

27. Inorganic Geochemistry of Sediments and Rocks Recovered from the Southern Angola Basin and Adjacent Walvis Ridge, Sites 530 and 532, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75

W.E. Dean and N.L. Parduhn

28. Interstitial Water Studies, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 75

J.M. Gieskes, K. Johnston, M. Boehm, and M. Nohara

Part V: Organic Geochemistry

29. Geochemistry of Organic Carbon in South Atlantic Sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75

P.A. Meyers, S.C. Brassell, and A.Y. Hue

30. Organic Geochemistry of Cretaceous Black Shales from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 530, Leg 75, Eastern South Atlantic

G. Deroo, J.P. Herbin, and A.Y. Hue

31. Migration of C1 to C8 Volatile Organic Compounds in Sediments from the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 75, Hole 530A

J.P. Jasper, J.K. Whelan, and J.M. Hunt

32. Organic Geochemical Comparison of Cretaceous Green and Black Claystones from Hole 530A in the Angola Basin

P.A. Meyers, T.W. Trull, and O.E. Kawka

33. Aliphatic Hydrocarbons of a Cretaceous Black Shale and Its Adjacent Green Claystone from the Southern Angola Basin, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75

S.C. Brassell

34. Organic Geochemical Character of Selected Cores, Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 530A

B.J. Katz

35. Organic Facies Variations in the Mesozoic South Atlantic

D. Gilbert

36. Organic Carbon Isotopic Composition in Cretaceous Sediments, Angola Basin, Southeastern Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 530

M. Nohara, T. Ishizuka, and J.M. Gieskes

37. C2-C8 Hydrocarbons in Sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75, Holes 530A, Angola Basin, and 532, Walvis Ridge

R.G. Schaefer and D. Leythaeuser

38. Geochemistry and Petrography of Organic Matter in Sediments from Hole 530A, Angola Basin, and Hole 532, Walvis Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project

J. Rullkötter, P.K. Mukhopadhyay, and D.H. Welte

39. Geolipid Comparison of Biogenic Sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 530B, Angola Basin, and 532, Walvis Ridge

P.A. Meyers and K.W. Dunham

Part VI: Igneous Petrology and Geochemistry

40. Petrology and Geochemistry of Rocks from the Angola Basin Adjacent to the Walvis Ridge: Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75, Site 530

S.E. Humphris and G. Thompson

Part VII: Physical Properties

41. Geotechnical Properties of Sediments from Walvis Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 75, Hole 532A

Geotechnical Consortium

42. Interrelationships between Sediment Composition, Compaction, Pore Space, and Shrinkage, Leg 75, Hole 532A

A. Wetzel

43. Deep Sea Drilling Project Drill Sites 530 and 532 in the Angola Basin and on the Walvis Ridge: Interpretation of Induction Log Data, Sonic Log Data, and Laboratory Sound Velocity, Density, Porosity-Derived Reflection Coefficients, and Vane Shear Strength

R.E. Boyce

44. Leg 75 Methods for Laboratory-Measured Physical Properties, Gearhart-Owen Well Logs, and the Uyeda Downhole Temperature Probe

R.E. Boyce

Part VIII: Geophysics

45. Multichannel Seismic Reflection Survey of the Southeastern Angola Basin

L.A. Musgrove and J.A. Austin, Jr.

46. Magnetostratigraphy of Cretaceous and Early Cenozoic Sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 530, Angola Basin

B.H. Keating and E. Herrero-Bervera

47. Magnetometer Measurements on the Drilling Floor of the Glomar Challenger: Possible Causes of Rock Remagnetization

B.H. Keating

Part IX: Other

48. Laboratory-Determined Sound Velocity, Porosity, Wet-Bulk Density, Acoustic Impedance, Acoustic Anisotropy, and Reflection Coefficients for Cretaceous-Jurassic Turbidite Sequences at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 370 and 416 off the Coast of Morocco

R.E. Boyce

49. Middle Eocene to Oligocene Planktonic Diatom Stratigraphy from Deep Sea Drilling Sites in the South Atlantic, Equatorial Pacific, and Indian Oceans

J. Fenner

50. Oligocene and Other Tertiary Benthic Foraminifers from a Depth Traverse Down Walvis Ridge, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 74, Southeast Atlantic

A. Boersma

Appendix I. Grain-Size Analyses

G.R. Bode

DSDP Data and Samples


Citation information about scientific publications related to this and other DSDP legs is available in the Ocean Drilling Citation Database.
